Last Bench workout before meet...
I felt real good going into the day....the elbow is feel good and just am excited about the meet coming and ready for it to be here....BUT...after the workout my Right Elbow was a little sore...It is from the shirt and how I wear it...I torque it by twisting the sleves outward and if it does go on right it does put some much unwanted pressure on the elbows...I did one set and had to take the shirt off due to the pain it was causing in the elbow, but put it back on and it worked well...I just like to torque it to get the added pop out of the shirt....but HELL IF IT HURTS DON'T DO IT....just going to play with the torque at the meet to see how it goes...
135x10, 225x8, 345x5, 445x1, 495x1, 505x1 (all paused) Felt good...even with having to put the shirt back on after the 495 set...
T-Bar rows-90x10, 115x10, 135x10, 160x8
Close grip pull downs 100x10, 100x10, 110x8, 120x8
Not a big workout...just trying to keep the body as fresh as possible....I will be doing a little small workout Sunday just a few extra things...nothing much though...Then rest next week...I will go into the gym to do a little cardio nothing out of the norm...just want to get the blood moving....then a message and a trip to the Chriopactor....busy week next week.... :)
Today was a nice day to do shoulders...The workout last about 1 hour and we were able to get some good work in on them today....One more week of lifting and then we are off till the meet...Shoulder Presses-135x10, 135x10, 185x10, 225x6Side shoulder Raises (DB)- 20x10, 20x10, 25x10, 25x10Cable Pull backs (shoulders) 30X12, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10Front Raises- 30x10, 30x10, 45x8, 60x8
BI's and TRI's
Just a little support work....worked the tri's and bi's today...Didn't mind working the two together...Won't be the norm but wanted to make sure I got some work in on them this week...Floor presses-185x10, 225x10, 275x10, 305x8, 315x6Tri push downs-110x10, 120x10, 120x10, 130x8Machine Tri's-120x10, 120x10, 140x8, 140x8Mach BI's-110x10, 120x10, 120x10, 140x8Rope Curls-85x10, 85x10, 95x10, 115x8Hammer curls-40x10, 40x10, 50x8Going to be working shoulders on Sat.......Elbow feeling good...went to see the Chiropator today...I go every 2 to 3 weeks this was just my normal appointment...said my left elbow has a little swelling nothing major, said he will work on it and he did...said to ice it two times per day 25 mins....I normally ice after a heavy bench day anyway...but just going to be a little more will to ice and take care it for a while...felt good during and after the workout today...
Bench and Back
The day went well...I am hitting consistently 500 or above on my last that makes me happy as my goal has been 500 for the meet....we have one more bench workout next week and then it will be meet week....135x10, 225x8, 335x5, 365x4, 465x1, 495x1, 505x1 (all paused)T-Bar rows-90x10, 115x10, 135x10, 160x8Close grip pull downs 100x10, 100x10, 110x8, 120x8Machine push backs 120x10, 120x10, 130x10, 140x8Feel good...and really getting excited about the meet coming the first weekend in June...Have had a few little pains in my left elbow...but I don't think it is anything as it only really does anything after I lift...My CHRIO will be looking at it tomorrow and I will continue to ice will be fine...
Just a little work.....
Easy day today....Treadmill and crunches.....30 mins on treadmill 3.5 speed and 8 incline4 sets of crunches 4 sets of machine crunches at 150 pounds-10 reps.
Today went well....I just wish I could get more out of the tight shirt...I use one shirt for a few sets and then switch to my tight shirt for the last set or two....But I just don't feel like I am really getting anything more out of it...I am going to use it for all my sets next week...just not feeling the type of pop I should be feeling with the shirt...but we will seeBench-135x10, 225x10,275x5, 355x3, 375x3, 475x1, 500x1, 515x1Pec deck-130x10, 130x10, 140x8, 140x8Mach Press-180x10, 190x10, 200x8Hammer DB press-60x10, 75x10, 75x8
Shoulders (light day, just wanted to get them in)
Not a bad day...just wanted to get a little work in on them....Take some time off till Bench day on Wed.... Well going to get in on Tuesday to get some treadmill in....but no lifting till Wed...Cable Pull backs (shoulders) 30X12, 40x10, 40x10, 40x10Front DB raises- 25x10 *20x10*, 25x10 *20x10*, 25x10 *20x10*Overhead presses-135x10, 185x10, 185x10, 225x8Mach. shoulder presses-130x10, 150x10, 150x10
Nice TRI DAY....
We wanted to hit a little more chest today and Tri' went well.....didn't have to do a lot to get the blood moving in the TRI's Decline Bench-135x15, 225x10, 275x10, 315x6Floor Bench-(first time to do these...nice) 135x10, 185x10, 225x8, 275x8 (all were pretty easy)Tri pull downs-70x10, 70x10, 80x8, 80x8Close Grip Bench-135x10, 225x10, 275x10, 275x8not to bad today....going to hit the shoulders and a little back on Sunday....
After a nice week off the weights tonight I get back to work...we are about a month out from our bench it is till to get down to it....going to push things tonight....I will keep you all posted as how it goes.....It went well......the week off usually doesn't do much for me...but this was a good one....the 525 felt good but just came out of the groove on the press upward....I felt good today...and the 525 was after a lot of i was getting worn out.....Bench workout-135x10, 225x10, 315x8, 355x4, 445x3, 495x1 good pause, 515x1 good pause, 525x1 (just missed)Preacher curls (mackine)-100x12, 110x12, 120x8Reverse preacher- 35x10, 40x10, 50x8Seated pull downs (back) 110x8, 110x8, 120x8T-BAR lat pullbacks-115x12, 135x10, 160x8Mach. push backs-80x8, 90x8, 100x8